The Douja D’Or in Asti is the first of several autumn appointments that Chazalettes will take part in along with the Vermouth di Torino Institute.

“Sulle strade del Vermouth di Torino, tra storia e mixology – Il nuovo Istituto del Vermouth di Torino” is the title of the series of meetings that will delve into different perspectives of one of the most intriguing themes right now: the Vermouth di Torino.

The members of the Institute are: Chazalettes, Berto, Bordiga, Del Professore, Carlo Alberto, Carpano, Cocchi, Cinzano, Drapò, Gancia, La Canellese, Martini & Rossi, Giovanni Sperone, Vergnano and Tosti.

ASTI, DOUJA D’OR, SEPTEMBER THE 9th 2017 On the occasion of the Douja d’Or inauguration, the Vermouth di Torino Institute will be introduced during a meeting set for Saturday the 9th at 4 pm in the Sala degli Specchi at Palazzo Ottolenghi in Asti (corso Alfieri 350).